Playing with coffee with some great results
It’s time to play with coffee and a variety of different fibres and textures to see just how great dyeing with coffee can really be.
It’s time to play with coffee and a variety of different fibres and textures to see just how great dyeing with coffee can really be.
Dyeing with Frozen Blueberries can give you a variety of colours depending on pH.
We have previously looked at how using an iron mordant can effect dyeing with coffee. It is now time to try it dyeing with tea.
The next juice to try is pomegranate juice. Again Pomegranates can be very expensive at different times of the year so I decided to give the juice ago.
Its time to look at some juices. Its not always possible to get fruit all year round so why not try fruit juice? Our first experiment will be naturally dyeing with Cherry Juice.
In this experiment we look at dying wool with Hibiscus Tea. We will also look how time can effect some natural dye material while using the solar dyeing method.
In these experiments we try coffee with non mordanted wool and iron mordanted wool.
How to dye wool with black beans. In this experiment we also look at how to adjust the ph to give a variety of colour from the one dye bath.
This is the first experiment with Coffee and tea where we play with 4 different dyes on wool roving.